Big Data Definitions

Big Data definition 

From Roberto Zicari talk at Stanford University .
Large amounts of different types of data produced with high velocity from a high number of  various types of sources. These variable and real time data sets require new tools and methods, such as powerful processors, software  and algorithms

Big Data McKinsey Global Institute definition

Big Data refers to data sets whose size is beyond the ability of typical database software tools to capture, store, manage and analyze.

Big Data from Peter Theil's , Zero-to-One book

Today’s companies have an insatiable appetite for data, mistakenly believing that more data always creates more value. But big data is usually dumb data. Computers can find patterns that elude humans, but they don’t know how to compare patterns from different sources or how to interpret complex behaviors. Actionable insights can only come from a human analyst (or the kind of generalized artificial intelligence that exists only in science fiction).
We have let ourselves become enchanted by big data only because we exoticize technology. We’re impressed with small feats accomplished by computers alone, but we ignore big achievements from complementarity because the human contribution makes them less uncanny. Watson, Deep Blue, and ever-better machine learning algorithms are cool. But the most valuable companies in the future won’t ask what problems can be solved with computers alone. Instead, they’ll ask: how can computers help humans solve hard problems?
Thiel, Peter; Masters, Blake (2014-09-16). Zero to One: Notes on Startups, or How to Build the Future (pp. 149-151). Crown Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. 


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