My vote for HPCwire Readers Choice Awards 2013

I voted for The UberCloud Project and the UberCloud Compendium of Case Studies

HPCwire is the best HPC publication on the planet, and has most diverse readership and interests, difficult to reduce to a common denominator.

As I looked at the list of nominees, I ask myself:  is this or that nominated solution / product easy to sell to other people who need a similar remedy? To answer, I looked at the eight bullets from my previous blog entry How to sell performance computing in 2013

See also the Figure 2 from the entry in the previous paragraph; I tried to mentally fill in the quadrants be answering on behalf of each nominee these questions

  1. Who needs our solution or product?
  2. Where these people live? (Demographics)
  3. What do they normally do? (Behavior) 
  4. What are their goals in life? (that we can help them achieve somehow)
The UberCloud  (UC) project answers best these questions. Almost any IT organization wants to manage and profit from a cloud operation. Here are the details:

1. Offer Open Ended Performance Solutions, not products

UC offers HPC as a Service consisting of ISV software, HPC Cloud platform, and HPC expertise, to industry end-users.

2. Listen

The end-users provide a detailed profile about their application, software, and expertise. This profile is the basis for the perfect match with resources and expertise 

3. Know who you want to please

UC has a user-friendly 22-step end-to-end process and guidance that end users agree.

4. Be different: resist the hype temptations

UC's sole goal is to help the industry end-users port and run their applications in the HPC Cloud, and overcome the roadblocks, no other promises.

5. Offer the best there is in technology, wherever you find it

In the UC HPC Experiment, about 50 HPC Cloud providers and about 60 software providers participate (among the 575 organizations). An automatic matching algorithm provides the perfect match for the end-user, with the best suited resource and expertise.

6. Make User Experience a priority

The 22 steps of the end-to-end process of accessing and using remote Cloud resources and the team building around the end-user's application are designed for an optimal user experience.

7. Generate and collect "Aha" testimonials

Each end-user's team is writing a case study at the end of their team project (so far 112). These case studies describe the application, present the benefits of using HPC Cloud resources, and describe lessons learned and recommendations.

8. Seed for follow up business

After the end of their HPC experiment end-users are encouraged to continue with business relationships with their previous team members.

There is no other nominated product that can so easily be adopted by an HPC consultancy. The system providers (IBM, HP, etc,) each sell their brands of HPC-aspirin, expecting to calm down every headache a customer can have.

They should look carefully at UberCloud approach.


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